Art performer
'Your fragility is also your strength'
Pina Bausch
Art Performances
Alma Matters
Dance & Live Music
Exploraciones de lo Sutil
Ovo Nascita
Alma Matters
Contemporary wherever you look and listen to it, "Alma Matters" is a performance where a dancer and a drummer interact and induce in the audience a kind of "deconstructive introspection".
This performance invites into a journey that begins with the collapse of certain paradigms of rationality, sometimes associated with masculine energy and sometimes with a more violent one, and suggests cathartic ways to escape.
This play was conceived by Carlota Ucín but it is the result of cooperative work. It is based on some texts written together with her Mexican friend, Dulce Alejandra Camacho Ortiz and the creative performance of Pía Salinas on the drums.
Exploraciones de lo Sutil
In the bustle of the city, while everything goes on without a pause, a parenthesis opens at a shop window. People pass by and may or may not stop. Meanwhile, two essences are awakening and exploring the subtle world while electronic music sounds loud. These two souls communicate with the audience without words through their regard and energy.
The message is, however, clearly stated in a postcard delivered to the audience:
While you are staring at me, can you really see me? While your inert eyes rest on me, can you see my pain? Could you be in my skin for an instant? I am the other, your fellow, only the window is keeping us apart.
This play was created and performed by Marianela Buttazi and María Carlota Ucín in an attempt to sensitize communication and empathy. They enquired whether the people who passed by could connect to what was happening around them, on the other side of the window shop. The text on the postcard was guiding the message but the communication was subtle, dominated by the eye contact and by subtle energy sent by the performers.