
'One can indeed try to obtain a particular result either by the use of violence or by speech aimed at securing the adherence of minds.'

Chaïm Perelman

Speaker at International Congresses

Procedural Law National Congress

Keynotes Summary

  • Speaker at the Public Interest Clinic, University of Alicante, Spain, February 2020.

  • General Speaker at the XXX National Congress of Procedural Law, San Juan, Argentina, September 2019.

  • Speaker CHACO

  • Speaker at the seminar held at the PPG Direito da URI Santo Ângelo, Brazil, May, 2019 .

  • Lecturer at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain, April, 2019.

  • Speaker at the presentation of the Public Interest Review, National University of La Plata, Argentina, December, 2018.

  • Speaker at the Conference on Appropriate Methods of Prevention, Management and Resolution of Conflicts as a form of access to justice, La Plata, Argentina, November, 2018.

  • Speaker at the III Brazil-Argentina Congress on Procedural Law, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitoria, E.S., Brazil, April, 2018.

  • Speaker at the Conference-Debate: Rereading and debating the Conclusions of the National Congress of Procedural Law, La Plata, December, 2017.

  • Lecturer at the Philosophy Institute, La Plata Bar Association, June, 2017.

  • Speaker at the XXIX National Congress of Procedural Law, Santiago del Estero, Argentina, August 2017.

  • Speaker at the Preliminary Conference, XXIX National Congress of Procedural Law, Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Litoral, Santa fe, Argentina, August 2017.

  • Speaker at the Conference "Current Procedural Law. Procedural aspects of the Civil and Commercial Code ”, Institute of Judicial Studies,La Plata, Argentina, April 2017.

  • Speaker at the Workshop on Law and Justice, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, January 2017.

  • Speaker at the International Congress i-latina, Alicante, Spain, May 2016.

Procedural Law National Congress

San Juan (2019)

Procedural Law Course

UPF, Barcelona (2018)

i-latina Philosophy Congress

UA, Alicante (2016)

Right to Health Course

Resistencia (2019)